Gene Mitchell christmas boat parade

Here come the boats all in a row
Varnished teak wood and polished brass
Christmas lights all over the rigging
Stars and angels atop the masts
Crews are singing and bells are ringing
And boat horns are blowing loud
But there?s still lots of joy, even with all the noise
As they wave back to the crowds
All the sailors and boaties
Look forward to the holidays
When they can decorate their boats and ride
In the Christmas boat parade
Here comes Santa with his elves
Must be the seventh time tonight
The children, they don?t seem to mind
They're mesmerized by the Christmas lights
Kids on Dad?s shoulders, even the older ones
Tip-toe so they can see
A boat full of pirates, their canyon, they fire it
And light up a Christmas tree
All the sailors and boaties
Look forward to the holidays
When they can decorate their boats and ride
In the Christmas boat parade
I can't think of a better way
To spend the holidays
Than from the shore watch them float
Or ride on a boat
In the Christmas boat parade
There go the boats all in a row
The parade for this year?s almost done
But I?ll bet you, down at the marina
The party has just begun
All the sailors and boaties
Look forward to the holidays
When they can decorate their boats and ride
In the Christmas boat parade
There?s no better way, to kick off the holidays
Than the Christmas boat parade