Genetikk die welt heilt

[Verse 1: Karuzo]
If I ruled the world, a lot of things would be different here
Nothing would be the same as it is today, everything would look different
Sneakers for everyone, fountain full to the brim with water
Everyone goes to school, learns to read, write, math
Rice and corn are no longer allowed on the stock market
When having heart is no longer cool
Am me from today Steve Urkel
No child would be a soldier or a slave
No one is treated like an animal because of the color
His skin, his language, his faith or sex
Everyone as he wants, as long as he lets the other person
Yeah, and no one ever goes to sleep hungry
Everyone hopes and dreams'
Actually, what we need grows everywhere on the trees
Imagine if only one day was like this
How can you believe in anything else except love?
I am no preacher, I'm just singing my song here Man is enough
And if you want to save all people, save one
What could be worse than watching this world cry?
The world is crying, the world, the world is crying
You You don't have to be a saint, one person is enough
And if you want to save all people, save one
What could be more beautiful than seeing how this world heals?
The world heals, the world, the world heals
[Verse 2: Karuzo]
If I ruled the world, a lot of things would be different here
Nothing would be the same as it is today, everything would look different
Everyone gets medicine when they need it
Germany opens the doors
And doesn't push them outside
Money serves people, not people serves money
/>Carrying a beating heart in your chest is all that matters
I would build an ark, like a mother
Should she carry her children in her womb, and give them protection
Ghandhi, Mandela, Theresa
You don't have to be like them, but learn from these teachers
For everyone the rights are the same, that's called justice
Don't, some people have to play in
garbage and collect the leftovers at the landfill
Thank you to every doctor and every nurse
Everyone who helps to make the world a better place
And every son of a bitch who kills himself for cash
Let the devil take him, I mean that the way I say it
[Hook: Karuzo]