Geoffrey Bayldon scarecrow hymn

Out of all the hundreds of scarecrows I've made,
something tells me this one's gonna be trouble.
Maybe I should pull it to pieces and start again but ...what a waste of a good mangelwurzel... no
we'll go on with the ceremony
Apples for health
corn for plenty
sunshine and snow
ten years or twenty
berries for happiness
hazlenuts for thrifty
seasons come and go
thirty then fifty
Holly for everlasting
misteltoe for mystery
only the scarecrows know
that the future is history
By the wind and the rain and all the seasons
I name this scarecrow Worzel Hedgerow Gummidge!
Worzel Gummidge
I am the Crowman
as rain is to the crops
and wind to the seeds
as the sun is to the berries
so is the Crowman to all things of twigs and straw and I give thee...
Barley for cheer
all this is reason
sow seed and reap
season follow season
nature shall take her course
earth must lie fallow
rivers run deep
summertime run shallow
Holly for everlasting
misteltoe for mystery
only the scarecrows know
that the future is history