Geology greenleaf

feed your ground
that you can't help but plant as the seeds fall from your mouth
sing that sound
that you make when you toss and you turn as you're waking up
breathe it out
so that bird can descend with the icicle in its mouth
oh that bird will descend with the icicle in its mouth
and what you call 'home'
is not what what you once thought
and what you call 'love'
is more than reaction
and what you call 'fear'
is just a paper wall
leave it now
all the words that we wrote when we were young cannot be found
hold it out
so that bird can descend with the icicle in its mouth
oh, the peacock explained in a moment that all is now
the last enduring chill
it was like a warm ripple across a deeper sea of cold
it was the Holy Ghost