Georges Brassens ballade des dames du temps jadis

Tell me where, tell me in what land
Is Flora, bonny Roman lady?
Where Archippa, where Thais fair,
Who was her cousin? O tell me!
Now where will be Echo, who babbled
Back at you o'er rivers and ponds,
And whose beauty was more than human?
O where are gone the snows of yore?
And whose beauty was more than human?
O where are gone the snows of yore?
Where is Heloise chaste and wise,
For whom unmanned and made a monk
Was Abelard in Saint-Denis?
For love of her he suffered so.
In the same way where is the queen
Who gave command that Buridan
Be bagged and thrown into the Seine?
O where are gone the snows of yore?
Be bagged and thrown into the Seine?
O where are gone the snows of yore?
What befell the lily-white queen
Who sang with her voice like a bird’s;
‘Big Feet’ Bertha, Beatrix, Allys,
Arembour, who ruled o’er Maine;
And the sweet Joan from Lorraine,
Whom the English burned at Rouen?
Where are they all, Sovereign Lady?
O where are gone the snows of yore?
Where are they all, Sovereign Lady?
O where are gone the snows of yore?
My Prince, seek not endlessly to know
Where they are now, why time has passed;
But only remember this chorus:
O where are gone the snows of yore?
But only remember this chorus:
O where are gone the snows of yore?