Gerardo Ortiz sangre azul

I wield money with a lot of violence
but that doesn't make me lose my mind
I improved my weapons
also my strategy
6 years at the helm is a lot of power
Wisdom and a lot experience
they gave me the position
the color gave me strength
just because I had blue blood
in my veins
I have dark skin
vile principles were passed path
it was never so easy
but we moved
Corretio riquzas grew like a pine tree
and when he touched the sky he forged his destiny
I look at them from above at a perfect angle
I have no pending
I will die of old age
do not study my history I am not a story
I deserve respect
I am very reserved and
I was never isolated
measure friendships and it has worked for me
I took care of 2 families
on the one hand the mafia power and abarisia
on the other my family