Germán Montero la brincona

And now if we are going to dance a brincona
Rich, rich, rich and it moves beautifully, he says
Let's dance, enjoy the rhythm of the brincona
Let's all enjoy, move with flavor, montero
I have a beautiful girlfriend who likes to party
When she hears the band she starts jumping
Suddenly she approaches me and wants to provoke me
She wants me to accompany her I go with the band to party
But he dances very strangely and I can't settle down
Jumping forward and jumping backwards
But he dances very strangely and I can't accommodate
Jumping forward and jumping backwards
The jump paya y paca
The jump paca y paya
The jump paca y paya
The jump paya y paca
That, to all the jumpers, good for dancing
Move, mommy
And very relaxed, how beautiful mi'ja
Suddenly he approaches me and she starts to tell me
That she no longer wants to dance to the cumbia rhythm
Let's change the rhythm, she wants to tap her feet
Play meré that my girlfriend is going to jump
br/>The bouncer is dancing, she doesn't stop tapping her feet
And I think my horse is already trying to get tired
The bouncer is dancing, she doesn't stop tapping her feet
And I think that My little horse is already trying to get tired
The Guadalajara bouncer moves so well mi'ja
I have a beautiful girlfriend who likes to play around
When she listens to the band she starts jumping
Suddenly she approaches me and wants to provoke me
She wants me to accompany her with the band to party
But she dances very strangely and I can't settle in
Jumping forward and jumping backwards
But he dances very strangely and I can't settle down
Jumping forward and jumping backwards
The bouncing is slow and slow
The bouncing is Paca y Paya >