Ghostmouth cut my rope

As she begins to advocate her love of wine
My fragile heart is secondary in her eyes
She'll cut my rope, it's spun so fine
Taking truths from this one is a tooth for tooth, don't try
You'll just get blow for blow returns
She won't take no, no she never learns
She won't have to take another life
She's content with just taking mine
Just let the gaspers pass us by
You ain't too dumb, but you're none too sly
And I can't shield your eyes now, sugar
Don't view growing up as growing old
She takes what she wants but I won't surmise
She advocates the subject matter at one line
It's a pleasure just to meet you on this cold damp night
She'll begin the massacre at first signs of white eyes
And in her cruelty she takes delight
She will be the disaster at the end of our plight
She won't have to kill, but she might
It's her choice, I have no reply
Just let the gaspers pass us by
You ain't too dumb, but you're none too sly
And I can't shield your eyes now, sugar
Don't view growing up as growing old
Oh no, will you look out friend
Let me tell you, you will never cut my rope again
Just let the gaspers pass us by
You ain't too dumb, but you're none too sly
And I can't shield your eyes now, sugar
Don't view growing up as growing old.