Ghostwolf danzig

Victory it claim swiftly the Polish army they have crumbled
Germany now sets their sights to France, Norway, and Belgium
To become a super power and control a whole continent
Seems within their grasp so they reach a new solution
Panzers cruising causing mass confusion
France relying on ardennes forest there's no losing
They can't go through it its suicide to choose it
That's what they think their sticking to their guns to prove it
The French regarded as the best soon after World War 1
Surely they'll put up a fearsome fight no they won't be done
Magenau line defenses looking fine
The Germans need a plan or risk losing the fight
They invade Belgium
So determined
To turn
The world
Their way
Brittain and France won't go so easily
Norway and Beligium also are fighting fiercly
This will be a battle clash of titans on a scale
To change our history
So what's the tactics tell me what the tactics are
Mobilization and surprise well that is start
Do what they least expect even if its crazy
The movements must be precise clear and not hazy
Sickle stroke would drive a wedge between the Allies
Army group A Through the Ardennes they aren't prepared to fight
Panzers can't penetrate through the dense forest
The Allies sure of this but really they don't know this
Army group B would Attack Belgium and Holland
Group C attack the Maginau no stalling
144 divisions vs 141
There's no escaping the battle no where left to run
Operations are strong we have the Magonou line
Heavily fortified armed manned with French minds
A self-sustaining fortress that can't be destroyed
France will never be conquered by the German ploy
Belgium neutrality but still prepared to fight
If their invaded but can they hold the night
Eben Emale their mighty fortress that no one can siege
Worse comes to worse France and Britain move to join the
Offensive but what they don't know that's the German plan
Namur to Breda where they'll stand the Germans hope and
Furthermore they must coordinate in the heat of battle
The Belgium's didn't share their plans to save their land no
Both armies armed to the teeth Panzers vs Mathilda's
Luftwaffe vs the RAF high in the skies above
The Germans bide their time planning and training men
The Allies hope that can mount a strong defensive
This fight verse a new evil will Europe fall to darkness
Tactics are in place the battlefield awaits its losses
A calm settles over everything before the storm
Tomorrow there's no time for caution anymore
Danzig Danzig
Danzig is the code word
Phase 1 May 10th Lufwaffe bombs drop strategic
Over enemy lines paratroopers dropping that's the trick
The Dutch defenders are surprised overwhelmed fast
The paratroopers hold the bridges till the panzers pass
Meanwhile in Belgium gliders bring in troops from above
The one weakness of Eben Emale but yes it was enough
To fall into the hands of Germany
This battle just begun but it seems like an eternity
Now the allies empliment their trusty deal plan cleaver
General gamena places his troops along the deal river
Confident cause the Germans attacked where he had thought
They would surely fend them off and avoid a loss
But the Dyle defenses were vastly imcomplete
And the fall of eben emale forced the Beligiums in retreat
This wasn't part of the plan the Germans are advancing
So fast its hard to regroup without collapsing
German group A now prepared to cross the Ardennes
100 miles wide stretch their Armored collumns
Armored units accompanied by mobile infantry
Did the impossible to the Allies they can't believe?
Escorted by a flock of dense Luftwaffe fighters
They waited for an attack that never came there was no fire
Cause the allies vision fixed on the Belgium line
They never thought this could happen yes it blew their mind
In 2 days Group As panzers broke the forest line
They needed to cross the river murs to adavance this time
Across the river Allied resistance lack the right tools
No anti aircraft or tank guns to shoot its true
So on the 13th from Sedan stoker bombers flew
And forced the French gunners to retreat just what could they do
By midnight the panzers cross the river they punched a whole
5 miles deep in the French line in the center force
German commander's gedarian and Rommel slice deep inside the French lines like lightning striking bold
Meanwhile in the North tanks from both sides meet
An epic clash the first tank battle this war has seen
At first the French tanks held their own and stood strong
Proving their tank technology wasn't that far off
But by the 13th of May the tables they had turned
The panzers tactics were better forcing a French withdrawal
Rommel turned towards the north advancing at a frantic pace
But the British expeditionary force would attack to drive them away
The panzers could do little to pierce the Mathildas
They were forced back in desperation to set up flac guns
Flac 88s over open sights eventually won
The British fought hard clearly they will not be done
But as the battle progressed the French were losing hope
Renauld said the fight was lost but Churchill spurred them on
The Germans were a step ahead and by May 23rd
They were poised to strike Dunkirk the war would be over
But they were brought to a hault
Surpisingly brought to a hault
Then georing convinced hitler the Luftwaffe
Could end the war
(225 on beat) A retreat was iminate yes iminite
The british had no choice they risk being destroyed
So they would evacuate their army live to fight again
This Is operation Dynamo
Volunteers fairied soldiers to the main ships
The Germans failed to realize all of this
The Luftwaffe couldn't attack for 2 days due to weather
The british army was escaping in the mist
Dynamo was huge success 338, 000
made it back to the British coast so the Allies will keep fighting
Of course they would need time to regroup
This defeat was so astounding
So with the defeat of their allies France would make a stand
A last one on the river Somme but it seems their breaking
The deck is stacked against them but they will not give in
The Germans must be stopped this fact is evident
On june 5th the Germans began their final push into France
Resistance it was stiff but they couldn't hold the advance
On june 9th group A joined the offensive
The French fought hard but it wasn't enough in this instance
On the 10th of June the French government left Paris
4 days later the Wehrmacht marched through the streets of it
Renaud resigned the French government left to Petan
To surrender to Hitler and his whole command
June 20th Hitler claimed the North of France
A base of operations so they can attack Britain
Hitler would make the French sign in a vengeful turn
Inside the railway cart where the Germans gave up after World War 1
June 25th the fighting finally came to an end
The Germans won the battle though the war it just begins!