Gilbert And Sullivan song lisa

Gilbert And Sullivan
The Grand Duke (Or The Statutory Duel) Act Ii
Song - Lisa
Take care of him--he's much too good to live,
With him you must be very gentle:
Poor fellow, he's so highly sensitive,
And O, so sentimental!
Be sure you never let him sit up late
In chilly open air conversing--
Poor darling, he's extremely delicate,
And wants a deal of nursing!
I want a deal of nursing!
And O, remember this--
When he is cross with pain,
A flower and a kiss--
A simple flower--a tender kiss
Will bring him round again!
His moods you must assiduously watch:
When he succumbs to sorrow tragic,
Some hardbake or a bit of butter-scotch
Will work on him like magic.
To contradict a character so rich
In trusting love were simple blindness--
He's one of those exalted natures which
Will only yield to kindness!
I only yield to kindness!
And O, the bygone bliss!
And O, the present pain!
That flower and that kiss--
That simple flower--that tender kiss
I ne'er shall give again!
[Exit, weeping.]