Gilberto Gil eu vim da bahia

I came
I came from Bahia to sing
I came from Bahia to tell
There are so many beautiful things
In Bahia, which is my place
It has my floor , it has my sky, it has my sea
The Bahia that lives to say
How do we live
Where we don't have to eat
But You don't die from hunger
Because in Bahia there is a mother Iemanjá
On the other hand, Senhor do Bonfim
Who helps Bahians to live
To sing, to samba for worth it
To die of joy
At the street party, at the samba de roda
On the moonlit night, at the corner of the sea
I came from Bahia
But I'll be back go there
I came from Bahia
But someday I'll go back there