Gilberto Santa Rosa cuando a ti te de la gana

Walk it, walk it, walk it, walk it another veeezzz
Since you left my side you have left my heart broken
my soul hanging by a thread like an old man alone in a nursing home
Since he is gone In my life I have had the compass lost
I have cried and my nights are eternal and I walk from tavern to tavern
And my heart forgets your love
and my smile the illusion of to have you
and my eyes want to see you again
I am crying for your love like a child ayyyy
Whenever you feel like it, you call me, you look for me, you talk to me
And when you feel like it, you call me, you look for me, you talk to me
When you feel like it, you give me your love, you fill me with kisses, you give me your heart
When you feel like it, you call me, you look for me, you talk to me
And When you feel like it, you call me, you look for me, you talk to me
When you feel like it, you call me, you look for me, you talk to me I want you to give me your love you fill me with a kiss you give me your heart or with that return, my heart is sighing for that
And my bed and my pillow miss you without you my days taste like nothing
And I wonder why you abandoned me the home has become cold what you left If you feel like it, you call me, you look for me, you talk to me
And when you feel like it, you call me, you look for me, you talk to me
Whenever you feel like it, you give me your darling, you fill me with kisses, you give me your heart
When you feel like it, you call me, you look for me, you talk to me
And when you feel like it, so you you call you look for me you talk to me win
If that's what you want, at whatever time you want, call me
Whatever it is, whenever you feel like it
It can be today or tomorrow is the time Whether it is at night or in the early morning I wait for your call
Whatever it is when you feel like it
If your heart demands it even if you don't believe it, I can wait calmly for you to call me that you love me, that you give me your soul
Whenever you feel like it
Walk it again
Whenever you feel like it
You look for me, you call me
Whenever you feel like it
You put an end to my drama
Whenever you feel like it
Go to one o'clock at two o'clock at three o'clock tomorrow
When you feel like it
Your pretty face gives me back my pillow
Whenever you feel like it
You put me on your program
I you make a sign don't say a word
You call me you look for me you talk to me
Come when you feel that you love me
You call me you look for me you talk to me
You I keep waiting, the flame doesn't go out
You call me, you look for me, you talk to me
When, when you feel like it
You call me, you look for me, you talk to me