Gilberto Santa Rosa la cremita

(with Guaco)
Let me put the cream on you so you don't get burned
Life is like the sun that always comes and goes
Sometimes joy, sometimes disappointment, sunstroke of the heart
Let me put the cream on you so you don't get burned
Life is like the sun that always comes and goes
Sometimes joy, sometimes disappointment, sunstroke of the heart
I have been telling you for a long time What happens in matters of love
I have been saying for a long time that things are getting worse
There is no respect for life (there is none) there is no morality or education (there is none)
There is no where to cool off with this heat wave, walk it
Let me put the cream on you so you don't get burned
Life is like the sun that always comes and goes
Sometimes joy, sometimes disappointment, sunstroke of the heart
Let me put the cream on you so you don't get burned
The cream that suits you
Life is like the sun that always comes and goes
Sometimes joy sometimes disappointment sunstroke of the heart
This song is the recipe and I bring you the ingredients
To enjoy life you have to live happily
You walk in green you stop in red don't let your traffic light flash
There will always be someone who bothers you for no apparent reason
When you don't hand over your body you don't leave a record
The world is the same on the 5 continents
that's why you have to protect yourself, walk it again
Let me put the cream on you so you don't get burned
so you don't get burned so you don't get burned
Let me put the cream on you so you don't get burned
so you don't get burned burn, this summer is coming so you don't burn
Let me tell you what's best for you
let me tell you so you can condemn me
we keep going whether it rains or shines
play that maraca so you can play it for me
Let me tell you what's best for you
let me tell you so I can condemn you
let's keep going whether it rains or shine
play that maraca so you can play it for me
put that maraca so you can play it for me
But with GUACO
Santa Rosa keep telling that baby, take care that you are pretty
follow me
Take that maraca
so that you can play it for me
from San Juan to Caracas
so that you can play it for me
the fat ones and the skinny ones
so that you can play it for me play it
when anxiety attacks you
so that you can play it for me
give me what is best for you
so that you can play it for me
that this music has
so that you can blow it to me
Guaco is the one who has you
so that you can blow it to me
with that maraca that suits you
So that you feel safe, let me put on the cream
that protects you from the sun's rays and blocks you from heartbreak
It repowers you and gives you strength in these times of help with what you are experiencing
It restores your Values u200bu200bfortify morality
And if you apply it gently, it waters it little by little
as the Guacos said that time (It makes you tasty and takes away your stress)
He who gives you joy what you need for your whole life
Master life, comrade, it gives you, it takes you away, it takes you away and it gives you
Let me put it on you, walk it
Let me put it on you, let me
Let me put it on you let me put it on you let me put the cream on you now
Now pretty
Let me put it on you
Let me put it on you
Let me put it on you put it on, let me put it on, let me put the cream on you now
Life is very hard and every day it gets more complicated
The ozone layer is getting finer
so that you don't burn me, I know what you need is this pretty little cream
that gives color and the bad things slide off the little problems
To see you a little better
I put the cream on you and Guaco you add flavor
The world is crazy on the hot street
giving relief to all the people
that's what the cream is for so you don't burn your life