girl scout songs flicker

girl scout songs
The flicker of a campfire, the wind in the pines
The moon in the heavens, the stars that shine
A place where people gather to make friends of all kinds
A place where all our troubles are always left behind
So give me the light of a campfire, warm and bright
And give me some friends to sing with; I'll be here all night
Love is for those who find it; I found mine right here
Just you and me and the campfire and songs we love to hear
Dum da da, da da da da da
So let the campfire flicker long into the night,
And let the dreams we cherish remain in sight.
Love is for those who find it, I've found mine right here.
Just you and me and the campfire and songs we like to hear.
Dum da da, da da da da da to hear