Girls feat. Steve Bays, Fake Shark-Real Zombie! & Steve Bays girls

What do we have to entertain us
What do we have to pass the time
What do we have to keep us moving
What do we have to pass the night
I think I found the findings of a formerly known
If I wanted you to find yourself
Go find yourself a new home and I
Got nowhere to stay, almost everyday
There is simply no sympathy in every way
If you really wanna sacrifice your luck at the draw
Commit to company and complicate and break up the law
To being a martyr's harder when you're wanted by the police
For serving candy-coated razor blades to kids on the streets
What do we have to entertain us
What do we have to pass the time
What do we have to keep us moving
What do we have to pass the night
The will to go and lose unnecessary characters when editors
Unnecessarily, they carry barriers, on carriers
Are scarier than girls who wanna marry ya
They carry ya to the cemetery and bury ya alive
What do we have to entertain us
What do we have to pass the time
What do we have to keep us moving
What do we have to pass the night
What do we have to entertain us
What do we have to pass the time
What do we have to keep us moving
What do we have to pass the night
Lying' in my bed, drinking coffee ‘til three
Called everyone I know, and everyone's asleep
I, commiserate with the spoiled-board
Gimme one good girl, but make it one I can afford
Seems you can't lose on the who's who
Wanna make news, wanna hit snooze on the who's who
Got the bills to pay, got the pills to pay, day
Sayin' I don't really want to
She's moving candy-coated razors handy
For covering up while the elevator goes down
She don't really want to
What do we have to entertain us
What do we have to pass the time
What do we have to keep us moving
What do we have to pass the night
What do we have to entertain us
What do we have to pass the time
What do we have to keep us moving
What do we have to pass the night