Glenn Tilbrook & the Fluffers little ships

Little ships sailing away
Your sextant set for the sun
I've tried my best to show you how
Life can be cruel and fun
You will soon un-tether yourselves
And then quietly slip from my grasp
I have loved you from your first breath
And always will until my last
Little ships sailing away
Into new unchartered waters
You may meet with Little Bo Peep
Or Captain Bird's Eyes daughter
Anything can happen to you
I will always hear what you say
Now it's up to you to decide
Between what's bad and what's okay
Scupper, boson, any port in a storm
And the home fires still burning and warm
And your rations are caviar or Quorn
Whoever you're attracted to
It's your choice and it's okay
On a solo life adventure
Little ships sailing away
To a hopeful happy ending
I know from time to time
It's our money you'll be spending
But I never counted the cost
Though I'm happy I'm slightly lost
It's another bridge I'll cross
Saying goodbye my little ships
Goodbye my little ships
Scupper, boson, any port in a storm
And the home fires still burning and warm
And your rations are caviar or Quorn
Whoever you're attracted to
It's your choice and it's okay
On a solo life adventure