Gloria Trevi los perros tristes

Gloria Trevi
The sad dogs
There is next to the garbage dump
of the cosmopolitans,
a lost city
in the medieval era.
There is no pavement,
no cement houses,
the wind steals
the cardboard that was a home.
The earth is like dust
that gets into the pores
hellish summers
they can kill you,
but there is never a lack of a politician
let him say that in Cancún
it's hot
just the same...
Oh what an animal! ...
So fat you have to feed;
and here pure skinny rat
and cats crying their
And the dogs, the dogs, the
and the dogs, the dogs, the
and the dogs, the dogs, the
sad, sad, sad...
With colored cables
they hang from the posts
Well, televisions
cannot be missing.
The bathroom is a danger
it is a hole in the void,
losing your balance
could be fatal.
Then when it rains
it becomes a swamp
they navigate on planks
crying to others,
but there is never a lack of a politician
"great" < br/>let me say that in Venice it is
Oh what an animal! ...
So fat you have to feed;
and here pure skinny rat
and cats crying their
And the dogs, the dogs, the
and the dogs, the dogs, the
and the dogs, the dogs, the
sad, sad, sad...
If one day the postman comes
let them prepare his burial
because the most certain thing
is that he won't get out of here.
Here there are no names
the streets nor thieves,
they don't even wait for total darkness to fall.
Here the police
are not going to risk their lives
the gangs are the law
for better and for worse,
but there is never a lack of a politician
" great"
that says that in New York
they are the same...
Oh what an animal! ...
So fat you have to feed;
and here pure skinny rat
and cats crying their
Oh what an animal! ...
So fat you have to feed;
and here pure skinny rat
and cats crying their
And the dogs, the dogs, the
and the dogs, the dogs, the
and the dogs, the dogs, the
sad dogs
And the dogs, the dogs, the
and the dogs, the dogs, the
and the dogs, the dogs, the
sad, sad, sad.