God?s Servant feat. S.O. s d g soli deo gloria

I said it, He's high, He's lifted, He's fly, He's different, He's why we're living, He's all powerful and omniscient
we're dead we're sloppy but He's supreme and He's lofty
but humbled Himself where covenant wealth was dealt – I'm glad that He bought me
how dare I compare my
or try to share in His fame
His own one, He swears by – cuz' nothing's high as His name
We humans, we're ruined
we're stupid thinking we rule it
it's foolish
cuz' us and the spot on top is NOT congruent
He soley
is worthy of praise for He alone is holy
majestic perfection
creation tells of His glory
what's more we
gotta bow down (bow down!) and worship Him only
from Him to Him through Him for Him
all things made they were made to adore Him
His mercy, displayed on the cross where Jesus hung
where God the Father beat the Son
is actually the greatest deed that's done
redeeming love
that would pay for sins but that would also bring His sons and daughters back to the Father captured and awe – Oh God may Your kingdom come!
Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God alone) He's glorious!
His glory's shown
in all of the things He's made
Uniquely by the priesthood made up of those He's cleaned and saved come you people redeemed from evil, you ransomed bring Him praise
let your actions and your speakers sing of the King who brings us grace Let's proclaim His excellencies
Let's praise Him excellently
Got snatched from the dark domain transferred and placed in His assembly
This fountain that we're doused in
this salvation's astounding
this Christ we have is glorious so let's gather ‘round and crown Him
That glory kick
I love when Christ and His glory is
adored and lifted up and as glorious and not just as glory-ish/ who gets the honor?
You know how the story ends
when it's Christ we know is its all in all so that all the glory's His
gotta decrease so He'll increase
we'll die the more we love/ to our precious Lord and our God say Soli Deo Gloria!