Gold Leaf saw it coming

yes yes you say you know the rest
well can you guess what my next move's going to be?
capricious in a way that makes me nervous
i could hold you in my arms
but you would squirm and get away
and i saw it coming
gone are the good days
of endless summer, running fun under the sun
until the glow would fade away
i just want to stay here in your arms
where i am safe from harm
and you can hear me say
hold on!
i've thought long and hard and i'm not ready to go now
all my power's been drained, oh i am so tired now
let's not fight fire with fire
heal me in your way
just the touch of your cool palm to my forehead
can make the fevers melt away
and i'll reciprocate
i'll keep you warm, give you shelter from the storm
i'll be your sun on cloudy days
hold on!
i've thought long and hard and i'm not ready to go now
all my power's been drained, oh i am so tired now
let's not fight fire with fire