Goldsboro great white buffalo

ours is a road less travelled i know
and it's paved with dark alleyways and dead end streets
so hard to find just a glimmer of hope
now we're up against the mighty green killing machine
but oh so mighty are the young at heart
you can call us the last superheroes
sacrificing everything, this is who we are
we're running with the great white buffalo
hail to the shimmering hills and neon lights
and kneel at the altar of fools gold
say a prayer for the tragic lovers of the night
rising up from the cold and dusty valley below
we are the artists and the poets and thieves
we have been witness to your petty crimes
you judges and juries and police chiefs
will come to know the white buffalo in time
we run with the great white buffalo
beaten down on this desert road
how many times must i break again
will something appear like the holy ghost
like a bright light shining at the tunnel's end
still there's salvation through misery
we are a force like you'll never know
we are a lean hungry fighting machine
a herd like the great white buffalo
we run with the great white buffalo