Gonzaguinha o que o que

What is, What is
(Luiz Gonzaga Jr.)
What about life?
What about life, tell me there, my brother?
Is she the beat of a heart?
Is she a sweet illusion?
But what about life?
Is she wonder or is she suffering?
Is she joy or regret?
What is it, what is it, my brother?
There are those who say that Our life
is nothing in the world
it's a drop, it's a time
That doesn't even last a second
There are those who say it's a divine mix deep river
it is the breath of the creator in an attitude full of love
You say it is struggle and pleasure
She says life is living
She says it is better is to die
Because loved is not and the verb is to suffer
I only know that I trust the girl
And in the girl I put the strength of faith ©
We are the ones who make life
However we can or can or want
Always desired, no matter how wrong it is
Nobody wants death, just health and luck
And the question turns and the head shakes
I am left with the purity of the children's answer
It is life, it is beautiful and it is beautiful
Living and not or having the shame of being happy
Singing and singing and singing
The beauty of being an eternal learner
I know that life should be much better and it will be
But this isn't It stops me from repeating it
it's beautiful, it's beautiful and it's beautiful
André Luiz Velloso - Rio de Janeiro
[email protected]