Good Charloote we believe

Good Charloote
the chronicles of life and death
we believe
there's a woman crying out tonight. her world has changed. she asked God why. Her only son has died and now her daughter cries. she can't sleep at night.
Downtown another day for all the suits and ties. another war to fight. there's no regard life. how do they sleep at night. how can we make things right. just want to make this right.
we believe(we believe)we believe(we believe) we believe (we believe) in this love.
we are all the same. human and all our ways and all our pain. so let it be, theres a love that can fall down like rain. let us see, let forgiveness wash away the pain. what we need, and no one really knows what they are seaching for. we believe, this world id dying for so much more.
we beleive (we beleive) we beleive (we believe) we believe (we believe) in this love. in this love. in this love.
so this world. is too much. for you to take. so lay it down and follow me. i'll be anything you need in everyway.
we believe(we believe) we believe(we believe) in this love