Grecco no one comes to lupusville

I feel anger and confusion
Every time! Someone speaks of that illusion
A town call Lupusville
A place that will take away your will!
Betrayal and despair
Where no one treats you fair
This town wants to take your art
This town wants take away your heart
Now listen...
The falseness and distrust
The lies that melt and rust
The knife in someone else´s back
Lupusville is waiting to attack
Escape from this place
Stop this charade!
Leave this town forever
Returning? Never!
I can see through your lies
I can see through your wolf´s eyes
Now listen...
The falseness and distrust
The lies that melt and rust
The knife in someone else´s back
Lupusville is waiting to attack
No One Comes! To Lupusville!