Greg Paul roses every day

She was the dreamer
and he was the dream
first time she looked in his eyes
she knew what she'd seen
the love of a life
she told momma that same night
one day soon he'll come to me
and make me his wife
and he'll bring roses every day
cause roses always say
how much he loves me
and momma smiles and tells her to wait
just don't let it break your heart girl
if the roses come a day too late
now the years are rolling on
their love grew stronger yet
and always on those special nights
the roses were there
thirty years ago
to the very day she thought
but when it came and went like any other day
she knew that he'd forgot
to bring her roses every day
and roses always say
how much he loves me
as she wipes away a tear that couldn't wait
you can't let it break your heart girl
when the roses come a day too late
it wasn't long after that
one dark and stormy night
she was late in getting home
he hoped she was alright
but how was he to know that moment
as they kissed in the rain
that he was never gonna get to
hold her again
now every morning
he walks to where she lies
roses always in his hands
and tears in his eyes
he can feel her there
he knows she's with him still
and he thinks of how he loves her
and how he always will
bring her roses every day
cause roses always say
how much he loves her
but as he lays them down
and walks to the gate
it'll always break my heart girl
cause my roses come
a day to late