Grizzly Adams wearing thin

We don't live, We just survive.
Dead still while time eats us alive.
Dust will settle, smoke will clear.
You can't outrun what you fear.
I cant waste another year chasing a dream that will never see the light.
I gave up the chance to rebuild my life,
For empty rooms and endless drives.This is all I have.
This is it.
My everything.I‘d never expect you to understand,
But this means more to me than you could comprehend.
I sometimes think this is all that remains for me.
Not depths. Not heights.
Just constant in betweens.
At times, this practice seems so pointless.
But there's a reason.
There's always a purpose.
I'm always hoping for things to improve.
But how many days can I afford to waste?
The pressure is mounting.
I don't know how much more I can take.
I cant face the truth if the truth's a life without you.
I cant face the truth if the truth's a life without you.
This is all I have.