Grupo Imagen Soundtrack ando boracho

Grupo Imagen Soundtrack
I'm drunk
Friends I'm drunk.....
friends I'm drunk
I want to forget a love
I'm going from catina to catina
I am lost in vice
I want to forget that ungrateful person
who left me for someone else
he told me that he adored me
but he only lied to me
how much it hurts betrayal
I feel like crying
I ask God to help me
so that I can forget her
I am lost in vice
because he didn't know how to love me
That's why I'm drunk
because of that woman
I'm here in the catina
and here I want to wake up
how much a betrayal hurts
I feel like crying
I ask God to help me
so that I can forget her
I am lost in life
because she didn't know how to love me