Guerilla Toss grass shack

Quality and sanity
buldging and receding
ring around the edges
a blurry figure
cuz if you find a needle
inside of a grass shack
bent up and misshapen
deformed pattern
balance and lucidity
pushing but not needing
keep it at the surface
the right or the reason
so collect all the details
from one thing to another
a hazy figure told me
lack want, need, faster
blurry fuzzy muted
not so very clear
murky or monotonous
can't see or hear
i do not know tomorrow
only today
a powder identity
a head made of clay
she saw patterns in sleep but also on the tv screen. observing and waiting for an image or message derived, from a place she had grown to lean. why go outside, and look at the public feature? maybe to go out see a show, or, to change the scenery. peeling her frame from the sheet. trails of light followed each image in motion. led by a small square of paper. it was rough, pointed on the edges and not entirely square.
peering behind in her peripheral the idea felt was spherical. A question asked but never resolved loomed in the air until the door opened . Parting ways with a forgetful air perhaps using it later to tie together two pieces of rope or stretch a rubber band over a jar. She closed the door and paced. strutting and moving around, shifting the shoulders up and down, assessing every fingertip and limb. All the images pulsing and breathing also with a halo rim. stumbling towards the way, passing by every tree or figure lined behind a dull grey. mundanely molded as a replica of the next, in a clay, factory, built on land with a hex. A walk in the winter turned into a walk in the spring as the grey turned to green and the cold started to melt away. patterns still lay on the front of her eyes and shadows could still be seen in the corners
a truth or a figment? I can't even stand it. without seeing or hearing was as good as blinking in the dark. a pin in the heart that rushed up and out to patterns in the tv. whats good in reality? the difference in dreams and mortality. the form or the picture or the light and the fixture? quality and sanity bursting into abnormality. the holiest.