Halliday Johnny le pnitencier

Halliday Johnny
The Penitentiary
Original lyrics and music: Alan Price
French lyrics: Vline Buggy and Hugues Aufray
(c) 1964 by Keith Prowse Music Pub co ltd.
1 The doors of the penitentiary
Soon will close
And that's where I will end my life
Like other guys finished it.
2 For me my mother gave me
Her wedding dress
Can you ever forgive me
I have too much for you makes you cry.
3 The sun is not made for us
It's at night that we can cheat
You who tonight lost everything
Tomorrow, you can win.
4 Mothers, listen to me
Never leave your boys
Alone at night hanging out in the streets
They will go straight in prison
5 You, the girl who loved me
I made you cry too much
The tears of shame that you shed
We must forget them.
6 The doors of the penitentiary
Soon will close
And that's where I will end my life
Like other guys ended it.