Handshake comeback

I'm over and out
but I am still waiting for something to come up
and turn me around
to lift me above all the things I have done
but I feel tired
mm, I feel tired
mm, I feel tired
of waiting around for a moment that never arrives
But I have been hoping for one to release me
But I feel tired
of waiting for nothing at all
I feel tired
of wading an ocean of songs
I'm over and out
I'm across the ocean
but I know this won't last
but it's important
and I feel…
I feel inspired
mm, I feel inspired
mm, I feel inspired
of lately
like something has come up
to turn me around
to lead me along and
to try to release me
I'm over and...
I have been hoping for something to come up
and turn me around
But I have been worried
that I won't find it