Hap Palmer hurry up blues

Hurry kids, no time to play
We're runnin' late for school today
Got the got to hurry, got to worry blues
Where's my list of things to do?
Sally, where's your other shoe?
Got the got to hurry, got to worry blues
I can't keep cool when I'm keyed up
Now where'd I leave my coffee cup?
Tommy, that's not your toothbrush
Oh, how I hate this nervous rush!
Set the table, feed the fish
Careful now, don't break a dish!
Got the got to hurry got to worry blues
Dippity dash, lickity split,
Zippity zoom, dit dit dit
Razza-ma-tazz, frazz-za-ley frazz,
Skiddle-dee-daddle and all that jazz
Oh no ! Come on, Freddy
It's quarter to eight and you're still not ready!
Where's your homework? Where's your lunch?
Gobble that bowl of Crispy Crunch
Got the got to hurry, got to worry blues
Wash your hands, comb your hair
The school bell's ringin' and you're not there
Got the got to hurry, got to worry blues
Button your coat and do it quick
Drink your juice or you'll get sick
Clear your plate, scrub your face
I swear you're movin' at a turtle's pace!
My heart is beatin' double time
My thoughts are freakin' in my mind
Got the got to hurry got to worry blues
Dippity dash, lickity split,
Zippity zoom, dit, dit dit
Razza-ma-taz, frazz-za-ley frazz,
Skiddle-dee-daddle and all that jazz
My hands are shakin'
' My legs are itchin'
My pits are sweatin'
My nose is twitchin'
Got the got to hurry, got to worry blues!