Harken feat. Seth Kozak machine hearts

Just watch them seethe
Just victims in their cage
Bone and sinew are their trappings
You are not machine
You are not cattle
Still you crawl on your knees
Begging for scraps at their table
Pick yourself up
Take your place at the throne of our virtuous being
Silence our accusers
No one may love another
By grace your eyes see light that warms the skin no man may own
Set your sights on our oppressors
Overthrow their iron-grip
And every second that they breathe grasp your throat
Crushing tighter at the very air you fight for
You are not machine
You are not cattle
The kingdom of God is within all man
Our conciousness seeking out grace in our sorrows
Through collapsing lungs we repent our trangressions
Holding to words that are better unspoken
So make still your hand as it reaches to grasp
For every damning desire
Suffer the shame of a beggar and hunger
Like those we refuse to feed
Now you see the price of greed
Now you see the fault of