Hayes Goldinger hot body

Hot body, hot body all so perfect in my mind
Oh you got a body like no other in my mind
The way you move across my sight
Strikes me every time I see you
Hot body, hot body all so perfect in my mind
Your eyes are as fine as a stone cut to beauty
And sparkling with love every time I look at you
Your skin is soft to the touch of my hand
And your hair is as soft as a blanket wrapped around me
Hot body, hot body all so perfect in my mind
Your lips are so perfect for the kiss I've always wanted
From a girl like you so gentle and kind to every one
You touch with your heart and soul
I like the groove of your moves every time
You make a move toward me to make love with the man I am
Hot body, hot body all so perfect in my mind
Every thing about you is beyond perfect in this world
Oh your body moves like no other I've seen before
Oh all I wanna do is through my arms around you
For the hug I've always wanted from a girl like you
You're a girl that's all so perfect to me in the world of perfections
Stay with me and I'll lay right besides you
And make love with you in the perfect body you got just for me
Oh everything you'd got just blows my mind away
So why not give me all you got in such a perfect body like yours
Hot body, hot body all so perfect in my mind of a girl like you
You'd got the eyes of a vision like no other I've seen
You're detailed so finally in my eyes
That I've got so much to admire about you
Your world is always so perfect in your life
Beyond what I ever had in my life full of shame and the bad
Hot body, hot body all so perfect in my mind
Every time I look into your eyes
I see the perfect girl I've always dreamed of
Marrying in my future someday
That could really need a girl like you so kind and gentle
Where everything you do I become speechless of
Hot body, Hot body all so perfect in my mind
Shake it all off on me and give me what you got
Cause I'll take it all in and love every bit of what you got for me
Your smile is as bight as the stars that shine in beauty every night
With the moon so full it lights the skies like the sun does at daytime
Your hair blows straight with the winds perfecting it every time
Your face is as beautiful and glowing as the heavens beyond the clouds
Hot body, hot body all so perfect in my mind
Your kisses always bring me to my imagination
In ways I never thought possible with a girl like you
When I feel each slow breath you take as you sleep
It makes me wanna finally fall asleep knowing
Your right besides me keeping me safe from
The dangers of the world out there in the darkness of night