Heartsrevolution teenage teardrops pyramid remix

Not too fast, too slow
Two steps and drown No fear, no fear,...
No fear, no fear,...
Save me from the ceiling
Save me from myself
Nevermind, just save yourself
Keep your eyes on the prize
And your ear to the street
Or this game that you spit
Will become obsolete
Fuck the game, fuck the rules
Most of all, fuck you
It's just the way I feel
The more I smile the less I bruise
Don't stop and think about it
In your heart no one will doubt it
I can feel it breaking
No fear, no fear,...
Fuck the shame, fuck the truth
Most of all, fuck you
It's just the way I feel
The more I smile the less I bruise
Fuck the shame, fuck the truth
Most of all, fuck you And it doesn't ever feel right
No matter what it tastes like
No fear, no fear,...
No fear, no fear,...