Hedningarna joupolle joutunut

Ellös vain maiden young
Ellös growing heather
Ruvetko for the wild hurst
Drinking flask for the sheets
Often the hops heavy
Mostly the liquor bottle
Koura for the logs future
Happiness to the stomach
Often a drunkard
Mostly drunken
Put up on the old jè¤Ã¤pi
Flather on the diaper
Fix the angry wife
SekÃĂä Quiet calmedÃĂĂä
How did it come from me
Who took the heart from the poor girl?
Who broke up the haikia?
When I went to a man's pauah
I fell in love with the Viinaratti
I took a wild one to my heart
Viinavill next to me
I took to bed for the night
Calculator on my doorstep
Illustration from a fir branch
Hand from a carousel