Hefner your head to your toes

It's a beautiful road from your head to your toes
I will travel it with my fingers barely touching
It's a sight to behold from your head to your toes
I will worship it with kisses and cheap wine
What do you want with me, now you've seen at my worst?
What do you want with me, can't you see it's absurd?
I have nothing to offer but a small selfish heart
But I love you from your head to your toes, I do
Oh, I love you from your head to your toes, I do
It's a valley, so divine, at the base of your spine
Sometimes I rest there and wish
We've a nest here to build, we have memories to kill
Let's waste sometime for a while
What do you want with me, since you've seen I've been bad
What do you want with me, can't you see it's so sad?
I have nothing to offer but a small selfish heart
But I love you from your head to your toes, I do
Oh, I love you from your head to your toes, I do, oh