Heidevolk levenslot

Endless winter, the earth so cold*
Unrest and war will bring about the end
Brothers turn against each other
No man will spare the other
Hati devour the sun and Skalli the moon
A deep darkness envelops the worlds
The wolf breaks his chains and howls loudly
His godfather and the nail ship approach
"The sun turns black
The earth sinks into the sea
Falling from the sky
Bright stars
Vapour and fire
Entering each other
High to the heavens
Rises a hot flame"
Heimdall's horn rings for Gods and men
Giants will approach with burning hatred
Wodan rides out with the army of the fallen
Evil is fought by sons and fathers
The final battle is near, wolf time, sword time
the earth burns the measure tree shakes
Day of darkness, day of blood
Day of life and heroism
"The sun turns black
The earth sinks into the sea
/>Falling from the sky
The bright stars
Vapor and fire
Entering each other
High to the sky
Rises a hot flame"
Destination of life, portrait of end
Loneliness and rage
Demise of the Gods
The earth burns
End and the Beginning
A new sun rises
Gods revive
The nature blooms again