Hejira hour of the omen

Seeds planted in bloodshed gave rise to the tyrant;
The icon of horror, force, fierce as a lion.
Divided the nations consumed by their passion
wrought forth a destruction that burned through the world.
A thousand flags risen in call to arms
A war to end all wars.
As nations clash and the body count rises;
the cries of the victims are drowned in the sirens
The roots of our world torn asunder left barren.
Lost souls of this anguish left broken disparaged.
Corrupt politicians spurred racial dividence.
In protest and riot, injustice and violence,
The seeds that had sprouted drew strength from the blood
that had painted all Europe by the Fuhrer himself
Blood stained trenches mark the valleys with sorrow
The bodies of comrades left rotting and hollow
The rats feast on spoils of those long left forgotten
Sun rising and falling; history begotten
As nations clash and the body count rises;
the cries of the victims are drowned in the sirens
The roots of our world torn asunder left barren.
Lost souls of this anguish left broken disparaged.
A call to war,
bands of brothers by blood.
United by ties that course fierce as a flood.
Press forward and onward and into the fight.
We are the chosen, allotted, lone soldiers of light.