Henning Pauly not just a piece of paper

Ink has scarred the skin of many trees
Sometimes in the name of music and poetry
And sometimes records hold your name
And secrets that we keep
But you're more than just a piece of paper to me
Another chart, another page
To tell you who you are today
The doctor tries to medicate
With a file and a pen your image he creates
Come on and see the morning sun
Come on, come on, come on
And be who you want
There‘s time to fix the tears and smeared lines
But don't let him go
And white out who you are inside
Do these sticks and stones weigh more
Just cause he put them on a page?
Or does it bend your ego when it's
Attached to your own name?
Those letters soil all lhe sheets and lives
Of those they were meant to save
So take that file full of science
And rid yourself of his mistake
The fire needs some kindling and
I think the doctors notes'll do nice
I come only as your friend
No pencils nothing more to write
lt's not important what I think
But if I may speak my mind
The sooner you understand your worth
The sooner you‘ll get back your life
There‘s a new horizon in front of you
So throw the books away
In me you found a friend
And you know I can relate
There‘s a new horizon in front of you
So throw the books away
Let's be honest, it's gonna take some courage
And a hell of a lot of faith