Henry Clarke Jr world hunger

Throughout all nations, our children are dying, their starving faces, appealing for mercy, so let us reach out and try to help them.
Refrain: we are making an appeal, to God's people to send them relief.
Without Jesus, we have no mercy, but keep on praying, for He will answer, and bless His children, who are suffering daily.
Refrain: Don't ever forget to pray, since we know God is still listening.
We should cherish, all of our children, and be like Jesus, who never shunned them, but gently held them, for all to witness.
Refrain: Embrace one now as your own, and your kindness God will not ignore.
The world's becoming, unsafe and crazy, God's hungry children, aren't shown no mercy, but yet expected, one day to lead us.
Refrain: Are you wisely investing, in a child that one day might lead us.
Doubt and despair, have long plagued our children, wouldn't it be precious, holy and blessed, if we could show them, our true compassion.
Refrain: Open your hearts I appeal and save a child that is now perishing,