Henzel Och Thors desertren

Henzel And Thors
Musik Iso
The Desert
A single glance
and Cupid aims at me
and hits in the middle of the dot
a single words
can make me gasp
fall overboard
i miss you
like no one else can
but i know you are r
too good to be true
I have to run
I have to run
and even though I'm losing speed
before every step
I can't stop
I'm too coward
I have to run
I have to desert
but when you see me run
away from you
then I want you to run
after me
I'm starting to know this
walking around
and revel in misery
it's always me
who never succeed
what I want
I stand completely without weapons
on the battlefield of love
don't want to lose again
so I desert
put my legs on my back
and start running
I have to run
and even though I'm losing speed
with each step
I can't stop
I'm too cowardly
I must run
I must desert
but when you see me run
away from you
I want you to run
after me
(don't run from here
stay and take me with you)
There are only two options
run or cry
there is only an alternative
I'd rather run than cry