Herbert Gronemeyer airplanes in my head

Your eyes have clouded
Your smile is fixed
And your thoughts
Are far away from here
You kiss me like an actress
Then walk out of shot
Your indifference abundantly clear
I'm empty, used up
Only dregs in my cup
And airplanes in my head
You shrug off my embrace
With a smile on your face
We should be sleeping
In separate beds
Give me my heart back now
It's half broken anyway
Give me my heart back now
I beg you to go away
The sooner you walk
Out the door
The sooner I pick myself up
From the floor
You use me up, like a pack of cigarettes
Then crush me and cast me aside
You talk like it's a duty
Looking for your own beauty
While pretending to gaze in my eyes
You're never there, when I'm gasping for air
And the airplanes all explode
Lifting off from the runway
Oh, this traffic is one way
And we've come to the end of the road
Give me my heart
You're giving me nothing
You've taken my all
And I feel like an empty shell
Airplanes in my head
Drown the words that we've said
And if you stay
You'll just put me through hell
Give me my heart