Herbert Gronemeyer kino

He loved being alone
His life was the film
Always sat in the cinema
It almost didn't matter what was on there
He loved the room
Feel here at home
And whenever it got brutal
He freaked out
For him, violence was
The killing and dying was completely normal
He thought it was great
If they laughed and shouted
There must be something very beautiful about it
There must be something very beautiful about it
It has him fascinated
He was tempted to do it himself
I want to feel what it's like
When someone kills you
I've done it so many times seen
I want to try it
Just feel it for once
I want to see what it's like
When someone sinks, when someone dies
Not in the film
Just live
Let's see what it's like
He wasn't nervous in the least
Bought a knife
Saþ sat in the cinema as usual
He didn't care what was going on
Just stabbed
Right next to him
He saw in slow motion
Every single stab
He did it, already over< br/>He didn't feel much yet
Just like in the movie he killed
What's so bad about that?
What's so bad about that
They interrogated him
That disturbed him, slightly confused
I just want to feel what it's like
When someone kills you
I've seen it so many times
I wanted to try it out
Just feel it once
I wanted to see what it's like
When someone sinks, when someone dies
Not in the film, just live
Let's see what it's like