Heroes Del Silencio flor venenosa

Heroes of Silence
The Sea Does Not Cease
Poisonous Flower
I can't find the words to say it
and sometimes I feel
that thought
is a language of signs... meaningless
I don't always understand what happens to me
shaking myself I go
until I fall
terribly drunk
just let me be
for a moment alone
just leave me alone
this interval of time
that I have always been losing.
maybe in this precious moment
I could be...
like you, like you, like you, like you...
I'd rather explode from so much alcohol
with your poisonous flower syrup
and sell a mother
for another glass.
just let me be
a moment alone
just leave me alone
this interval of time
that I have always been losing.
maybe in this precious moment
I can be...
like you, like you, like you, like you...