Hien lgy te a krds

Rumble, thump, flash, what was previously empty, is filled with rhythm.
The colorful light caresses you and the passion no longer remains hidden.
It stands out for something, it stands for something with the night.
There is a pulse, the noise is booming and your life is just beginning!
If you hear, if you feel that the I sing to my heart, the iceberg melts, I can't stop you anymore.
Be the answer to the question,
a my soul will answer.
I'm tired of the grayness, the chaos
so let yourself go!
Skip the step if it tires you, and Soar away!
This is your life, come see it with me!
It's hard for me to handle, the many bad memories still hurt, in the evening nt tempted.
Existence and dream are mixed, the picture is getting fainter.
You are the one who guesses, You are the one who is afraid rice when you wake up.
The world is round for you, even yesterday is just a distant past!
When you hear, when you feel that I sing to your heart, it melts the iceberg, you won't be able to move away anymore.
Be the answer to the question,
my soul will answer.
You're tired of the greyness, the chaos
so let yourself go!
Skip the step if it makes you tired, and you're stuck lick it up!
This is your life, come check it out with me!