Hightide Hotel an absence felt

Ash and dust caught up in a whirlwind that gradually displaces us. Our time is ever winding down, and our destination is the ground. It may come with a crash or without sound, but it’s always too soon. An absence felt, and weighed down with the knowledge that I’m not adapting to it too well (no) I’m taking my time with every step, and minding my pace with every breath Because I’m not in a race to outrun death, that’s a race that I’d lose just as we all do. Never too near or far, but always too soon. I’m taking my time with every step, and minding my pace with every breath Because I’ve no patience or respect for death, for it only intrudes, and we’ve all worn its wounds. Whether it’s near or far, it’s always too soon. And so I cling to life and shield myself with loved ones on all sides. For no mortal man can transcend time, but loving memory always survives. Unless you love, your life will flash by.