Hoax indian summer

She was an Indian Summer
With flowers in her hair
And no, I never loved her
I loved to breathe her air
These days
It's not easy, easy, easy
‘Cause you say
You don't need me, need me, need me
She was an Indian summer
That didn't last too long
And no, I never loved her
I'd love it when she'd come
These days
It's not easy, easy, easy
‘Cause you say
You don't need me, need me, need me
I want you, I love it so bad
I need you to need me so bad
I love when you want it so bad
I need you to need this so bad
These days
It's not easy, easy, easy
‘Cause you say
You don't need me, need me, need me
She was an Indian Summer
Where have you gone?
No, I never loved her
I loved to sing your song