Holy Sound Project superior

Uncertain about the truth
of these warm soft blankets
And all the tasty on your table
all the times your fork picking up
Do you feel something? Is this gratitude?
Boats filled to the brim
Thousands of fearful eyes
Many victims out there
One is to many to not care
Risk their life to get the life that you have
Do you feel something, some gratitude?
Calculating the value
Why do countryboards decide
They shout for help
But when they look at the response
They meet superior, Superior
Grown up here,
We close our borders
We see what we've been given
We say this is ours
But why arent we willing to share?
What if these problems were yours
Is this gratitude?
Calculating the value
Why do countryboards decide
They shout for help
But when they look at the response
They meet superior, Superior
For I was hungry, and you gave me no food
I was thirsty, and you did not give me a drink
I was a stranger, and you did not take me in
Naked, you did not clothe me
Sick and prison, and you did not visit me
Calculating the value
Why do countryboards decide
They shout for help
But when they look at the response
They meet superior, Superior