Homeboy Sandman the miracle

it all starts with the beat
once it start it don't cease
i start to water the seed
what's the aura, what's the sort of mystique?
let's turn this water to steam
what type of water in this stream?
before recording a peep
before the pen, i need the pedigree in order to breed
before the flow i need to find a vein in order to bleed
before a word is ever spoken, audibly
or the ballpoint to the mead
i think what is this melody meaning to me?
the answer might come in a week
the answer might come immediately
what is the recipe?
the meat and potatoes and what will the main ingredient be?
the art of bringing a dream
once me and me inner eardrum agree
my adrenal gland and my organs begin to argue audibly
i barely bother to breathe
that time well spent i commence to set it off
settled on a concept
what occurs next is God sent
first sentence courtesy of ashem
ah yes, that sentence was awesome
and i'm off to get it on
i'm going all out, i'm going in
that's the moment of atonement
seedling broke ground
something is growing, and here we go again
vocab i ain't know i had
oooh ahhhh the hooo ha's in the doo dad
the new math that humans add
for humans and
all brands of mammalians
carpe diem
as am turn to pm the zone i be in is muy bien
where do all these melodies come from?
where do all these melodies run from
to then find solace in sun sun?
honestly i'm stumped
all i know is somehow when i'm stuck
i'm unstuck
maybe it's dumb luck
i give up, i'm just as dumbstruck
uhm, frequently the question that comes up
is where do i come up with the comeuppance
the, radiance and circumference
truth is i go into fits and into frenzy until the shoe fits
for militant, melanined, ladies and gentlemen
before i know it, i got a hot verse to show for it
but i don't stop there, i go forward
word bond
i don't leave my alphabet soup until all the words gone
to honor him, puh rum pum pum pum
i'm hooked, it's great
es and hooks is 8's
or whatever the case may create
beats played on replay, same place for days
i don't break for breaks
i lambaste a break
my brain to blame for the dave blaine routine
my brain reigns supreme
encore to the commodores and supremes
hitting scales and chords to heights which cause my nose to bleed
no cause to bleep, mostly
almost three, verses
i'm almost done
peace to rainbows and to serpents but for certain it's the sun
and it's greater than the sum of it's parts
statements of a status state of the art
how did i start? i'm not sure
how do i finish? i'm not sure more
but it ain't over till it's over like rocky balboa
till i've spewed a tune of which a sushi chef could not imagine a more raw
mix and master it and after that i put it in the store
then allow the dust to settle after settling the score
far as deliverance you'd better bet i'm better than the stork
and every letter in my ledger is part of legend and of lure