Honey LaRochelle hijack

zoom in.
i respect your situation.
but it doesn't fit the equation if you ask me, but you haven't asked.
zoom out.
the view is so much clearer.
we should be nearer if you ask me, but you never ask.
lover you came to the right place if you want to really get away.
lover you came to the right place if you really wanna get away. () i can make us disappear.
i can mask your signal on the radar.
i can fly you off your path into my direction.
but love isn't free. (verse 2) zoom in.
understand i'm outta line.
deviate from protocol trying to take what isn't mine.
i want ya.
flight 789.
replay that little black box like 80 times.
zoom out.
and aint nobody gonna cry.
mayday mayday can i get somebody on the line.
we got a problem.
no proof that we ever saw them.
lover you came to the right place if you want to really get away.
that's right ya came to the right place if you really wanna get away. () i can make us disappear.
i can mask your signal on the radar.
i can fly you off your path into my direction.
Ohhhhhh Uh oh uh uh oh Oohhhhhh Uh oh uh uh oh