Horfixion disynchronize french version

All seems to be wrong
Nothing goes as it was foretold
It's like going in heaven
And awake in hell
Not sure of what i see, is it an illusion?
Not sure of what i feel, victim of confusion
Disynchronize, we're out of the race
Throwned in a new dimension
Disynchronize, now time have no sense
The system is out of control... out of control
Lost in a parallele existence
Crushed by the sand of time
Gearing has stop turning
And time for me is frozen now
The sequence is broken, an error has occured
Operation failing, the game is over
Deception, nothing is what it should be
To much expectation from this world
Desolation, my dreams has been devastated
All is in contradiction with my hopes
Elements banging together
All is so strange around me
Temporal vortex is open now
The sand of time is resorbing
Distubance of time, is perturbing my life
Reset the system, to resynchronize